First Round 1st session Question

I.      Buzzer Quiz

1.       The mammary gland is anchored to a muscle by the Cooper ligament. What is the name of this muscle?

n  AnswerPectoralis major muscle


2.       The parasympathetic nerve of the facial nerve innervates submandibular gland, sublingual gland and what structure?

n  AnswerLacrimal gland


3.       What is the structure of inner ear which detects vertical linear acceleration?

n  AnswerSaccule


4.       What is the subtype of adrenergic receptor that is related to the therapeutic for bronchial asthma?

n  Answer:β2 receptor


5.       What is the name of the phenomenon that the action potential is conducted through the axons of myelinated nerve fibers?

n  Answersaltatory conduction


6.       What is the name of the hormone which is produced by 5α-reductase and is indispensable for development of male external genitalia?

n  AnswerDihydrotestosterone


7.       What is the enzyme that determines the metabolic rate by making metabolic reaction slow?

n  AnswerRate limiting enzyme


8.       Auditory nerve fibers have different thresholds of action potential depending on frequency of sound. What is the name of the sound frequency for which the threshold is lowest?

n  AnswerCharacteristic frequency


9.       What is the subclass change of immunoglobulin in B cells while retaining antigen specificity?

n  AnswerClass switch



10.    What is the substance whose serum level decreases in nephrotic syndrome, resulting in edema?

n  AnswerAlbumin


11.    What is the name of the body cell of nerve fiber in corticospinal tract?

n  AnswerBetz (giant) cell / giant pyramidal cell


12.    What is the liquid component separated by leaving the blood in the test tube?

n  Answerserum


13.    What is the hormone secreted from pancreatic δ cells and suppresses the secretion of insulin or glucagon

n  AnswerSomatostatin


14.    What is the protein activated by the thrombin / thrombomodulin complex in the anticoagulant system?

n  AnswerProtein C


15.    What is the factor that binds to unwanted proteins and is important for selective degradation in the proteasome?

n  AnswerUbiquitin


16.    What is the target molecule of mono clonal antibody which was found by research team of Tasuku Honjo in Kyoto university and developed as a remedy for malignant melanoma?

n  AnswerPD-1


17.    What is the cell adhesion molecule which splits exfoliative toxin?

n  AnswerDesmoglein-1


18.    What is the peripheral chemoreceptor which controls ventilation volume through glossopharyngeal nerve?

n  AnswerCarotid body


19.    What is the name of the second messenger when nerve fiber in substantia nigra compacta acts on the receptor in direct pathway of striatum?

n  AnswercAMP



20.    When injuring neural fiber, the axons and myelins of peripheral part degenerate. What is this phenomenon?

n  AnswerWaller degeneration



II.    Flip Quiz

1.       Choose 3 of the following functions of the organ shown in this figure.

PicutreTissue of the kidney

      Regulation of circulating plasma volume

      Secretion of aldosterone

      Synthesis of albumin

      Activation of vitamin D

      Regulation of blood acid-base balance by ammonia production

      Secretion of angiotensin converting enzyme(ACE)

n  Answer:①・④・⑤


2.       The shoulder joint is stable even though the glenoid fossa is not large enough for the humeral head to fit in. Choose four of the following main muscles that stabilize the shoulder joint.

      Pectoralis major muscle

      Subscapularis muscle

      Latissimus dorsi muscle

      Teres minor muscle

      Infraspinatus muscle

      Supraspinatus muscle

      Serratus anterior muscle

      Biceps brachii muscle

n  Answer:②・④・⑤・⑥

n  CommentThe structure that stabilizes the shoulder joint by these four skeletal muscles is called a rotator cuff. The most frequent injury of the cuff tendons occurs in supraspinatus muscle.



3.       cAMP is the second messenger in the intracellular signal transduction system. State increased()/decreased() in intracellular cAMP concentration in activation of the following receptors.

      β1 receptor

      β2 receptor

      D1 receptor

      D2 receptor

n  Answer:① Increased ② Increased ③ Increased  Decreased

n  CommentAs all β receptors are conjugated with Gs protein, adenylate cyclase is activated and the cAMP concentration increases. On the other hand, D2 receptor is conjugated with Gi protein and suppresses adenylate cyclase.


4.       Arrange the following coagulation factors in correct order according to the activation order in coagulation cascade.





n  Answer:④ → ③ → ① → ②


5.       Arrange the normal tissue structure of the epidermis in order from the basement membrane side.

      Stratum corneum

      Stratum granulosum

      Stratum basale

      Stratum spinosum

n  Answer:③ → ④ → ② → ①


6.       Na 143 mEq / L, K 2.7 mEq / L, Cl 114 mEq / L, HCO 3 - 18 mEq / L  Calculate the anion gap.

n  Answer11 mEq / L




III.Time Attack


1.       The left subclavian artery is a branch from the Aorta.

n  AnswerTrue


2.       Concentration of serum potassium increases by inhibiting angiotensin receptors.

n  AnswerTrue


3.       IgG is the main immunoglobulin in human colostrum.

n  AnswerFalse


4.       Thyroid Stimulating Hormone is produced in the posterior lobe of pituitary gland.

n  AnswerFalse


5.       Vital capacity is equal to total lung capacity minus functional residual capacity.

n  AnswerFalse


6.       Carcinogenesis caused by radiation is a deterministic effect.

n  AnswerFalse


7.       Which of the following neurotransmitters is inhibiting?

P)     GABA            

Q)    Dopamine

R)     Acetylcholine

S)      Serotonin

n  AnswerP







8.       Which of the following has NO HLA?

P)     Glomerulus

Q)    Red Blood Cell

R)     Plasma cell

S)      Endothelial cell

n  AnswerQ


9.       Choose the correct movement which occurs during inhalation.

P)     Concentration of the abdominal wall muscle

Q)    Downward movement of ribs

R)     Relaxation of diaphragm

S)      Concentration of the external intercoastal muscle

n  AnswerS


10.    Which immunologic cell matures in the thymus?

P)     B cell

Q)    Macrophage

R)     T cell

S)      Neutrophil

n  AnswerR


11.    Which of the following symptoms is observed in right heart failure?

P)     Palpitation

Q)    Orthopnea

R)     Over swelling of jugular vein

S)      Vertigo

n  AnswerR


12.    Which of the following diseases causes delta wave in electrocardiogram?

P)     WPW syndrome

Q)    Atrial premature contraction(APC)

R)     Paroxysmal supraventricular tachycardia(PSVT)

S)      Atrioventricular recurrent tachycardia(AVRT)

n  AnswerP





13.    Which of the following is NOT the risk factor for breast cancer?

P)     Postmenopausal obesity

Q)    Family history of breast cancer

R)     Radiation

S)      Progesterone

n  AnswerS

P) Aromatase in fat cell promotes estrogen and causes high estrogen environment. But premenopausal obesity decreases risk.

S) Progesterone competes with estrogen.


14.    Name the nerve which innervates the superior oblique muscle

n  Answertrochlear nerve


15.    The contractile force of the myocardium increases as the myocardium is stretched. What law is this?

n  AnswerStirling's law


16.    How much calorie is obtained from 1 g of alcohol?

n  Answer7kcal/g


17.    What is the type of the epithelium of the stomach and duodenum?

n  AnswerSimple columnar epithelium


18.    What is the rapidly increasing pituitary hormone just before ovulation?

n  AnswerLuteinizing hormone (LH)


19.    What is the change in the pupil due to oculomotor paralysis?

n  AnswerMydriasis


20.    What is called a common site of nasal bleeding?

n  AnswerKieselbach region









1.       There are seven pairs of cervical spinal nerves.

n  AnswerFalse


2.       A person with 60 percent body water has 40 percent of extracellular fluid. 

n  AnswerFalse


3.       Typehypersensitivity is related to accumulation of immunocomplex.

n  AnswerTrue


4.       Elevation of blood calcium promotes calcitonin secretion.

n  AnswerTrue


5.       Hemoglobin F has higher oxygen affinity than hemoglobin A.

n  AnswerTrue


6.       CD20 positive CD4+ T cell has immunosuppression effect.

n  AnswerFalse


7.       Which of the following factors determines the preload of the heart?

P)     Peripheral vascular resistance

Q)    Myocardial contractility

R)     Venous return

S)      Pulmonary artery pressure

n  AnswerR


8.       Which cell is a member of natural immune system?

P)     CD4+ T cell

Q)    NK cell

R)     Plasma cell

S)      CD8+ T cell

n  AnswerQ






9.       Which one of the following cannot be measured by a spirometer?

P)     Residual Volume(RV)

Q)    Vital capacity(VC)

R)     Tidal volume(TV)

S)      Inspiratory reserve volume(IRV)

n  AnswerP


10.    Which of the following symptoms is caused by collateral circulation of decompensated cirrhosis?

P)     Edema

Q)    Esophageal varices

R)     Gynecomastia

S)      Ascites

n  AnswerQ


11.    Which of the following segment reabsorbs the majority of amino acids?

P)     Proximal tubule

Q)    Henle loop

R)     Distal tubule

S)      Collecting duct

n  AnswerP


12.    Which of the following lingual papillae is the most numerous?

P)     Vallate papillae

Q)    Filiform papillae

R)     Foliate papillae

S)      Fungiform papillae

n  Answer:Q


13.    Which of the following reflex is impaired in a patient with cervical cord injury 2 months after injury?

P)     Corneal reflex

Q)    Abdominal reflex

R)     Patellar tendon reflex

S)      Achilles tendon reflex

n  AnswerQ





14.    What hormone is secreted from pancreatic β cells?

n  AnswerInsulin


15.    What is the remnant of the umbilical vein?

n  AnswerHepatic streak / Round ligament of the liver


16.    What is the calorific value obtained from 1 g of lipid?

n  Answer9kcal/g


17.    What is the base included in the RNA but not included in the DNA?

n  AnswerUracil (U)


18.    What are the organs that sense the extension of skeletal muscle?

n  AnswerMuscle spindle


19.    What is the structure that connects the tympanic chamber and the pharynx?

n  AnswerAuditory tube (Eustachian tube)


20.    What is the cytoskeleton which is connected to the cadherin?

n  AnswerActin filament




1.       Mandibular nerve passes through the round foramen.

n  AnswerFalse


2.       Insulin receptor is a G protein coupled receptor.

n  AnswerFalse


3.       Typediabetes is an autoimmune disease.

n  AnswerFalse


4.       People with type A blood have anti-B antibody in the serum.

n  AnswerTrue


5.       The pulmonary surfactant tends to collapse alveoli.

n  AnswerFalse

6.       Contrast enhanced CT shouldn’t be conducted before thyroid scintigraphy.

n  AnswerTrue


7.       Where is the origin of myocardial action potential?

P)     Sinoatrial node

Q)    Atrioventricular node

R)     His bundle

S)      Purkinje’s fiber

n  AnswerP


8.       Which antibody passes through the human placenta?

P)     IgM

Q)    IgE

R)     IgG

S)      IgA

n  AnswerR


9.       Where does fertilization occur?

P)     Uterine body part

Q)    Ampulla of the uterine tube

R)     Vagina

S)      Fimbria of the uterine tube

n  AnswerQ


10.    Which of the following electrolytes participates in action potential phase 0 of sinoatrial node?

P)     Na+

Q)    K+

R)     Ca2+

S)      Mg2+

n  AnswerR


11.    Which of the following components isn’t contained in bile?

P)     Bile acid

Q)    Digestive enzyme

R)     Cholesterol

S)      Phospholipid

n  AnswerQ


12.    Which of the following sense is conducted in posterior funiculus?

P)     Position sense

Q)    Rough tactile sense

R)     Thermal sense

S)      Pressure sense

n  AnswerP


13.    Which of the following structures is shaved in LASIK operation?

P)     Lens cortex

Q)    Nucleus of lens

R)     Corneal epithelium

S)      Corneal stroma

n  Answer:S


14.    Which vein does the left testicular vein join?

n  AnswerLeft renal vein


15.    What is the motor protein in skeletal muscle?

n  AnswerMyosin


16.    What is the final metabolite of the purine?

n  Answeruric acid


17.    What infectious disease has mankind succeeded in eradicating for the first time?

n  AnswerSmallpox (smallpox virus)


18.    What is the period of 4 to 8 weeks during which the embryos are sensitive to drugs and X-rays?

n  AnswerOrganogenesis period


19.    Where is vasopressin (ADH) produced?

n  AnswerHypothalamus


20.    What are the sites where ryanodine receptor type 1 is mainly expressed?

n  AnswerSkeletal muscle





1.       Haversian canals are arranged along the long axis of the long bones.

n  AnswerTrue


2.       DNA ligase cleaves DNA double strand.

n  AnswerFalse


3.       Kupffer cells are specialized macrophages found in the liver.

n  AnswerTrue


4.       It is possible to transfuse type O blood into a person with type AB blood.

n  AnswerTrue


5.       Anion gap (AG) increases in diabetic ketoacidosis.

n  AnswerTrue


6.       Increase of agonist amount can’t cause maximum reaction during administration of noncompetitive inhibitor.

n  AnswerTrue


7.       Which of the following is incorrect as a cause of metabolic acidosis?

P)     Renal failure

Q)    Primary hyperparathyroidism

R)     Diarrhea

S)      Airway obstruction

n  AnswerS


8.       Which of the following is less relevant to cellular immunity than the others?

P)     Th1 cell

Q)    Th2 cell

R)     Macrophage

S)      CD8+ T cell

n  AnswerQ





9.       Where is the site of glucose reabsorption in the kidney?

P)     Glomerulus

Q)    Proximal tubule

R)     Distal tubule

S)      Collecting duct

n  AnswerQ


10.    Which of the following combines with ions which flows through DHP receptors on cardiac muscle cell?

P)     IPreceptor

Q)    Ryanodine receptor

R)     Tropomyosin

S)      Actin

n  AnswerQ


11.    Which of the following serum marker increases during obstructive jaundice?

P)     CA15-3

Q)    γ-GTP

R)     ChE

S)      CEA

n  Answer:Q


12.    Which of the following statement is correct?

P)     Angiotensinconstricts afferent arteriole

Q)    Angiotensindilates efferent arteriole

R)     Prostaglandin constricts efferent arteriole

S)      Prostaglandin dilates afferent arteriole

n  Answer:S

n  Commentrenin-angiotensin-aldosterone system promotes dilation of afferent arteriole and by progesterone and constriction of efferent arteriole by angiotensinand increases CFR.


13.    Which of the following nerves is a parasympathetic nerve?

P)     Pudendal nerve

Q)    Superior cervical cardiac nerve

R)     Pelvic splanchnic nerve

S)      Sciatic nerve

n  AnswerR



14.    What is the structure that shuts down the airway during swallowing?

n  AnswerEpiglottis


15.    What electrolyte binds to calmodulin?

n  AnswerCalcium


16.    What is the rate limiting enzyme in cholesterol biosynthesis?

n  AnswerHMG-CoA reductase


17.    What is the difference between systolic and diastolic blood pressure?

n  AnswerPulse pressure


18.    What is the biological substance that best reflects glomerular filtration rate?

n  AnswerCreatinine


19.    What is the nerve which goes through the esophageal hiatus of the diaphragm?

n  AnswerVagus nerve


20.    What is the hormone that causes an increase in basal body temperature?

n  AnswerProgesterone (luteinizing hormone)




1.       Albumin is positively charged.

n  AnswerFalse


2.       Human has 80s ribosomes.

n  AnswerTrue


3.       Hepatitis B virus is an RNA virus.

n  AnswerFalse


4.       Erythrocytes live for a month.

n  AnswerFalse


5.       Atrial diuretic peptide secretion increases due to salt restriction.

n  AnswerFalse

6.       A daughter of a father with mitochondrial disease definitely develops the same disease.

n  AnswerFalse


7.       Which of the following is the most important function of eccrine sweat glands?

P)     Toxin excretion

Q)    Thermoregulation

R)     Water excretion

S)      Adjusting circulating blood volume

n  AnswerQ


8.       Exercise decreases blood flow in which organ?

P)     Brain

Q)    Skeletal muscle

R)     Kidney

S)      Heart

n  AnswerR


9.       What is the normal color of cerebrospinal fluid?

P)     Colorless

Q)    Light yellow

R)     Light blue

S)      Red

n  AnswerP


10.    Which of the following arteries supply nutrient to the jejunum?

P)     Splenic artery

Q)    Gastroduodenal artery

R)     Superior mesenteric artery

S)      Inferior mesenteric artery

n  Answer: R


11.    Which of the following plays a role as a neurotransmitter?

P)     Biotin

Q)    Serotonin

R)     Renin

S)      Pepsin

n  Answer: Q


12.    Which of the following test values increases during fulminant hepatitis?

P)     BUN

Q)    Fischer ratio

R)     Blood sugar level

S)      PT-INR

n  Answer: S


13.    Which of the following senses is NOT included in into special sensation?

P)     Visual sense

Q)    Taste sense

R)     Temperature sense

S)      Olfactory sense

n  AnswerR


14.    What is the space between the two lungs in the chest cavity?

n  AnswerMediastinum


15.    What is the common catabolic pathway for all three major nutrients?

n  AnswerTCA circuit or citric acid circuit or tricarboxylic acid circuit


16.    Where does the differentiation of human B cells take place?

n  Answer(Bone) Marrow


17.    What is the name of the blood vessels flowing into the left atrium?

n  AnswerPulmonary vein


18.    What is the cranial nerve that innervates the mimetic muscle?

n  AnswerFacial nerve


19.    What is the substance that promotes sleep produced from the pineal gland?

n  AnswerMelatonin


20.    What is the substance involved in antegrade axon transport?

n  AnswerKinesin